My story

Tim Cram

My journey with sleep began over four years ago. For most of my life, I was well known for my ability to fall asleep quickly. My wife used to say that I’d be out as soon as my head hit the pillow. However, things changed—I started waking up frequently during the night and never felt rested. Initially, I attributed it to life's challenges and didn't seek help. Unsurprisingly, my sleep issues didn't improve on their own.

Eventually, I sought help, starting with my primary care doctor. Given my age and general health, I was handed a sleep hygiene handout and told to come back if things didn’t improve. Unfortunately, those tips, while helpful, weren't the solution I needed. I had to persist with my doctor, and after three visits, he finally ordered a sleep study. The result? Obstructive sleep apnea. This was my first real understanding of how crucial proper breathing is for restorative sleep.

Months of treatment followed, but I still wasn’t getting the restful sleep I needed. That’s when I learned about sleep debt and the importance of regular sleep patterns. It took a few weeks, but I eventually got back on track.

During all this, the COVID-19 pandemic hit, adding a significant amount of stress and anxiety. The constantly changing guidelines and societal friction made it harder to calm my mind for sleep. Counseling helped me manage my stress, providing regular check-ins and reminders about focusing on what I could control.

This entire experience ignited my passion for sleep. I realized that many people struggle with similar issues, often unaware of the underlying factors disrupting their sleep. I decided to dive deeper into sleep science, earning a certification and attending a sleep coach academy.

Through my journey, I've learned that sleep itself is rarely the problem—it's often a symptom of other underlying issues. Finding and addressing the root cause is key to achieving natural, restorative sleep. This is the philosophy behind Excelsior Sleep.

At Excelsior Sleep, my goal is to help you navigate your sleep journey. Whether you're just starting or have been struggling for years, I want to collaborate with you to identify and address the factors impacting your sleep across your mind, body and breathing.

If you’re ready to make changes and improve your sleep, I’m here to help you take your sleep onward and upward. Excelsior!